Cross-Lingual QA as a Stepping Stone for Monolingual Open QA in Icelandic

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It can be challenging to build effective open question answering (open QA) systems for languages other than English, mainly due to a lack of labeled data for training. We present a data efficient method to bootstrap such a system for languages other than English. Our approach requires only limited QA resources in the given language, along with machine-translated data, and at least a bilingual language model. To evaluate our approach, we build such a system for the Icelandic language and evaluate performance over trivia style datasets. The corpora used for training are English in origin but machine translated into Icelandic. We train a bilingual Icelandic/English language model to embed English context and Icelandic questions following methodology introduced with DensePhrases (Lee et al., 2021). The resulting system is an open domain cross-lingual QA system between Icelandic and English. Finally, the system is adapted for Icelandic only open QA, demonstrating how it is possible to efficiently create an open QA system with limited access to curated datasets in the language of interest.

TitelMIA 2022 - Workshop on Multilingual Information Access, Proceedings of the Workshop
RedaktørerAkari Asai, Eunsol Choi, Jonathan H. Clark, Junjie Hu, Chia-Hsuan Lee, Jungo Kasai, Shayne Longpre, Ikuya IkuyaYamada, Rui Zhang
Antal sider8
ForlagAssociation for Computational Linguistics (ACL)
ISBN (Elektronisk)9781955917896
StatusUdgivet - 2022
Eksternt udgivetJa
Begivenhed2022 Workshop on Multilingual Information Access, MIA 2022 - Seattle, USA
Varighed: 15 jul. 2022 → …


Konference2022 Workshop on Multilingual Information Access, MIA 2022
Periode15/07/2022 → …

Bibliografisk note

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© 2022 Association for Computational Linguistics.

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